Pisces Man Horoscope for May 2024

by Anna Kovach Astrologer, relationship astrologer
May horoscope predictions for your Pisces man. Things to know about your Pisces man this month and how to help him in his journey.

Hello, my sweethearts. It’s time to look ahead to the month of May and understand how it may be affecting your Pisces man. May promises to be a very interesting month. Here’s your Pisces man horoscope for May.

Now, the key themes that you’re going to be experiencing are affectionate energy, passion, the revival of love, and definitely a need to increase intimate understanding. This is certainly a time that’s great for the sex life, and I can see lots of Aquarian babies being born next year.

This is certainly a time where you have to rely on your instincts and your gut feel, in understanding exactly what’s going on in your relationships. The emphasis this month is on planets in Taurus, and Mercury and Mars in Aries, and at the end of the month, Jupiter moves into Gemini, which is a marked shift compared to the period of Jupiter being in Taurus, as this should represent a far more entrepreneurial vibe, filled with variety.

And while Jupiter in Taurus helped relationships to grow and to become more rich, Jupiter entering Gemini is great for communication, understanding, and taking a more pragmatic and intellectual approach to problems.

The Sun and Venus both trigger Jupiter and Uranus as they travel through Taurus this month, which indicates an environment filled with potential for higher understanding, travel excitement, spontaneity in love, and forgiveness. This is certainly a wonderful time to seize opportunities and to really express yourselves fearlessly.

Venus conjunct Jupiter is actually a very lucky placement, and there could be some pleasant surprises, especially regarding money.

With that said, let’s get going onto the reading.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Pisces Man this May…

Mars enters Aries on 1st of May

Now, this placement of Mars represents a motivated time for Pisces Man, but it also is a time when he is very acquisitive and needing of affection. So, he needs strong displays of love to understand how you really feel about him. Also, he needs quality time with you and physical affection. It’s very important to be reassuring him about the relationship direction. 

This is also a good time for money because he’s more willing to go for it, push himself, and reach targets. In fact, if you guys have a money goal, Mars entering Aries is fantastic impetus to achieve that goal and to either enhance your income or make that special purchase.

Often boundaries are important in the relationship. He tends to be a little bit more demanding and pushy, so you have to be careful that things stay in proportion and you don’t lose ground by being too compromising.

New Moon in Taurus on 8th of May

The New Moon in Taurus for Pisces Man particularly represents a really good period for those relationships that focus a lot on communication. So, if humor, communication, or a dating app is central to your relationship, that’s excellent. If you’ve recently met a Pisces Man on a dating app, this will help the relationship to really get off the starting blocks, become more serious, and because he’s curious and wants to know a lot more about you, it should be easy to discuss things and learn about each other in quick time. 

If you are in a stable relationship, this is a time when you guys need to get out of the house, experience new things, maybe hang out with some friends, and get feedback from other people. Generally, variety and the kind of influence that your friends and neighbors bring into your life is positive in bringing perspective into your relationship and helping you to maybe get some good information that could even help financially.

Mercury enters Taurus on 16th of May

Now, this highlights the importance of the communication side of love. So, whether you are recently dating or married, you guys need to be good listeners and to make time to sit and have adult conversation. Many relationships go off the rails because conversation becomes almost squeezed out of your daily routine so that you never have meaningful debate and discussions.

However, it’s also very much a time to approach problems from a logical point of view. You want to be proactive and analytical, so objectivity is absolutely key. Try not to get drawn into emotional quagmires. Focus on the issue at hand, how you feel about it, and what you need to do to improve things without blame, guilt, or emotion.

Sun enters Gemini on 21st of May

Now, this represents an interesting time for life with Pisces Man. In some cases, it can make him a touch more private and withdrawn, so it’s important to give him a little bit of space. He’s more likely to need time to think. It’s also a time when it’s important for him to draw a line under recent events.

So, if anything has happened recently that’s left a bad taste in his mouth, try to open up discussion about it, apologize, and seek ways to move on.

This is also a good time for discussions about home life and family matters, so perhaps matters to do with property, moving home, or renovating should be moved up the menu, and you can jump on those and get them done.

Venus enters Gemini on 24th May

During this phase it’s likely that there will be family birthdays, get togethers or reunions. There may be more events around the home, and this can generate a feeling of abundance and wellbeing.

This is another marker of it being an excellent time for decorating and improving your home so that everyone feels that it is a place of safety and security. This tends to be a time where familiarity is very important to Pisces Man, he’s less likely to seek out brand new relationships and he’s more likely to want his existing relationships to become a lot more committed, so establishing commitment is a big feature right now.

Themes for a Pisces Man this May…

This is a positive, vibrant and upbeat month for Pisces Man, the themes are being versatile, communicating, trying new things and enjoying outings with friends and relatives. This is a month of improving relationships, of investigating and learning. It’s absolutely ideal for blossoming relationships so that you can increase your knowledge of each other and start to enjoy each other’s sense of humour. In long-term relationships, it’s an important time to renew banter, have quality time together and enjoy each other’s company in a lighthearted way.

Magic Motto – “It’s important to know that we can always share freely with each other without judgment.”

Magic Text – “Life’s never gonna get boring with us together.”


The moon waxes from the 7th to the 23rd making this the best period for his new activities and projects. This is also the most suitable time for new relationships goals, discussions and starting dating. Any major new initiatives or decisions should be planned for this waxing phase. The waning phase in-between is better for contemplating, fulfilling promises, reflecting on progress, adjusting to circumstances and completion.

A good waxing period for personal goals, recuperating and improving health through physical activity or therapy. This is a suitable period for dealing with health issues and getting new information to improve health. A good time for him to change diet and investigate new exercise routines. 

Negotiations speed up and it’s a great time to share ideas and work with others on problem solving. This is an energetic time in love that’s perfect for working goals and challenges and putting your heads together to improve your marriage in practical ways. A favorable time for new business partnerships, legal battles or getting advice from experts.


It’s not a good month for investing in the stock market or doing anything speculative, even if he is rather conservative there will still be surprises, so he doesn’t want to increase risk and volatility by doing things that he doesn’t have a lot of experience in or knowledge about.

May 2024 Horoscope for a Pisces Man

Week 1 – Definite and Purposeful 

This week represents a time when he’s feeling a lot more intense and under pressure, he can be more obstinate, stubborn and sometimes he’s a little bit private. You may experience one of those weeks where Pisces Man wants to go off in his own to contemplate and think, he’s more likely to experience anxiety about his decisions.

With Sun sextile Saturn in Pisces, it’s a significant time for long-term relationships when it may be opportune to discuss future plans, and if anything in your relationship has felt stale, unresolved or if there was something you started last year but didn’t really have the momentum to finish, this is an ideal time to finish those projects and to work as a team on things that are important to you both. You can definitely solidify and strengthen the relationship now and all it takes is some positivity and some planning.

Week 2 – Passion Rising 

Now this is an awesome week for those platonic or friends with benefits relationships to turn into something really significant and life-changing. This can be a turning point when it comes to new romance and also in terms of the level of affection and desire in existing relationships.

This is definitely a week where you can shift the dial, begin to relate to each other in a more meaningful and passionate way and start to experience a much more satisfying relationship, sexually and sensually. This is certainly a moment in time when he’s looking for depth and commitment and a relationship with potential will really begin to feel quite magical this week.

A strong week for good investment decisions.

Week 3 – Creative Adventure 

It’s a very good time for him doing any work that requires a creative, spiritual or philosophical angle. This is also a super time to take a little break, even if it’s just a night away, to get away from it all. Sometimes romance is enhanced when you guys simply break the routine and do something totally spontaneous.

In new relationships, it’s important to be a positive influence and you can afford to surprise him a little bit because that he will certainly enjoy.

If you share an interest in art or creativity, use that as a method to relax and enjoy quality time.

Week 4 – Forgive and Forgotten 

This is definitely a time when events connected to the family versus career are weighing on his mind and these need to be discussed because it’s possible he’s getting things out of proportion.

There’s the opportunity for any friction or problems within the family arena to be ironed out, so if there has been any tension or aggravation between him and his folks, or between the two of you and both of your folks or the children, this is a time to extend olive branches, to encourage forgiveness and to bring everyone to the table in a tolerant atmosphere where all is forgiven and forgotten.

He can be reticent about showing his true feelings, but while he’s putting on a brave face, there’s likely a lot of turmoil going on inside, however quite a lot of what he’s grappling with is slightly exaggerated, so don’t get drawn into it.


This is a really good month for romance in both existing and in new relationships, but it’s important not to be bland as you don’t want your love life to be too vanilla. Be daring and sincere as this is an absolutely great time to do brand new activities together, to go places you haven’t been before, to make new friends as a couple and also to get beyond difficult issues.

Variety is the spice of life, but so it depth of feeling, so this is a time to ditch the stale old routines and anything clichéd, so become closer through meaningful and fruitful communication. As the month goes on family matters become important and are a way through which you can bond and make important memories.

Get Ready for 2024 With Your Pisces Man…

Ever experienced that unmistakable gut feeling? You know, that gentle nudge from your intuition, a subtle whisper of insights into your love life. It’s your inner compass trying to communicate in a language only you can comprehend.

And now, with the unveiling of Pisces Man 2024 Secrets, your intuition is about to get a megaphone.

This guide isn’t just a manual; it’s your personal translator for the cosmic messages your intuition sends your way…

Imagine having a direct conversation with the stars about your Pisces man and your love life, and receiving clear, actionable insights in return.

Curious about what makes “Pisces Man 2024 Secrets” extraordinary? Unlike traditional astrology, which dives into birth charts and generalities, this guide is your GPS for navigating specific questions:

“Is your Pisces man ready for a deeper commitment in 2024?”

“Does he have plans that align with your shared future?”

“What does the cosmic forecast hold for your relationship?”

It’s like having a hotline to the Universe for decoding the mysteries of your Pisces man’s heart, month by month.

Ready to bridge the gap between your intuition and the cosmic roadmap for your love life?

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Don’t wait for the Universe to drop hints.

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Wishing you cosmic love and radiant connections with your Pisces Man,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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