Pisces Man Horoscope for June 2024

by Anna Kovach Astrologer, relationship astrologer
June horoscope for your Pisces man... Things to know about your Pisces man this month and how to help him in his journey.

Welcome Sweethearts to the month of June, and it’s going to be off to a cracking start because we have a stellium of planets, along with the New Moon in Gemini. Here’s your Pisces man horoscope for June…

Now, Jupiter has just moved into Gemini as well, and in week one, we have Mercury moving into Gemini, so we will have Venus, Mercury, Sun, and Jupiter all in Gemini during the first two weeks. This will have an important impact which we will be discussing.

Now, Jupiter has moved into Gemini, meaning there’s a distinctly different flavor throughout the rest of the year from what there was in the first 5 months. This is a time of ideas, study, expansion, and exciting communication. There’s also much more of a restless energy, a desire to be pioneering, and to explore.

What a fantastic time for all your hobbies, your social life, and having fun! But also, an excellent time to improve yourself intellectually, to gather knowledge, and to be empowered. Now, knowledge is power, and with Jupiter in Gemini, it is the key to unlocking your and your Man’s future.

Now, for all star signs, it’s very important right now to dabble in new things. Variety is the spice of life, and this is a time for attracting new friends, acquaintances, and forging new partnerships, whether they are romantic, business, or social.

Remember, with Jupiter in Gemini, there’s a slightly lighter touch with less attachment, so there’s a dilution of the heavy energies of Taurus, which represent the desire for commitment and sometimes jealousy and possessiveness.

So, the whole flavor of relationships going throughout the rest of the year is to be mutually supportive but always to focus on independence, humor, and novelty in the relationship. This is also a great sign for money-making, so rub your hands together and get excited.

With that said, let’s get going onto the reading.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Pisces man this June…

Mercury enters Gemini – 4th of June

For Pisces Man, this represents a restless and curious time. What is it good for? It’s great for planning any family events and having relatives over to stay because he loves to have a house full of people and conversations going on late into the night. However, it can also be a good time to house hunt or get quotes to do repairs to your home for home improvements because he’s got an eye on the future and part of that is getting some issues to do with home and family organized right now. 

It’s about establishing a good platform for the rest of the year, and part of that is just feeling in control of your private lives. If you’re just dating, it’s a great time to be invited around to meet his folks, and if you’re married, it’s a good time to have light but friendly relationships with his parents. You don’t want to be letting them get in control or having too much to do with them.

New Moon – 6th in Gemini

This is an excellent New Moon for closure and an emotional reboot. This is certainly an ideal time to draw a line under any difficult emotional matters that you and Pisces Man have been going through.

If you’ve recently found that your life has been particularly unstable or upsetting, this may be a time when you just have to work harder at those issues to either get clarity or agreement, but you should always be aiming to find solutions and get closure. So it’s very important right now to focus on your personal life together and the emotional aspects, neediness, nurturing, and caring.

It’s not a time to be flippant about any issues he has or indeed that you feel are facing the relationship. This is a great time to regenerate understanding, and with a little bit of thought, that can be achieved. Good communication with sensitivity is key.

Mars in Taurus – 10th of June

This is a highly energizing time for Pisces Man. It again emphasizes a restless feeling, so what is important, is doing new things, taking spontaneous trips, and having discussions. There’s a certain urgency to him; when he wants to do something, he wants to do it now. He’s very impatient, so it’s a good time to be proactive and jump on any important tasks. It’s also a time when he can be a little bit less inclined to engage with you on a continual basis.

He’s got itchy feet, so sometimes his concentration is elsewhere, and although he’s good at multitasking, he can also be slightly fickle. His activities don’t always represent a lot of follow-through, so be careful with him in dating because he tends to make promises and forget about them, or sometimes he makes arrangements and then cancels last minute.

So he’s not that reliable right now. This is a lot better for those long-distance relationships that are communication-heavy and where you guys can pick up a thread and keep going. In ongoing relationships, it’s important to be really frank and honest with each other. Go for it; be direct; don’t hold back.

Venus enters Cancer – 18th of June

Venus entering Cancer is a really good placement for love and romance when it comes to Pisces Man. It promotes harmony, happiness, and also prosperity. It’s very good for his creative projects and self-expression, and very often it stimulates his fantasy life and passion.

So it’s really important for you guys to be doing all those things that you both really enjoy, whether it’s going to movies, sports events, or music events. It’s a great month for enhancing your relationship through the joy of shared activities, but it’s also a time when you may be able to share pride in your children.

Therefore, activities surrounding your children, maybe planning a baby shower, a baby name reveal, or decorating a child’s room, is something you want to get involved in. If you guys are dating, things should go fairly smoothly, and I’m happy to say that this is a marvelous time for new relationships to really get off the ground and become affectionate and tender.

Sun enters Cancer – 21st of June

This actually represents an important time for you to encourage him to make decisions. In fact, it’s time for Pisces Man to stand up and bite the bullet, so discourage procrastination. Give him encouragement and perhaps even insist that he comes to some important decisions to enhance his own life.

This is not about relationship ultimatums; it’s more about a lot of tough love, encouraging him to push himself. During this phase, the opportunities are out there, but you know Pisces Man can be a little bit passive, so he always needs that extra little push to really make the most of those opportunities.

Again, this is an awesome time for being playful together, so you want to be in situations where you feel youthful and light-hearted. Even activities with your children can help you both access the child within.

Certainly not a time to be putting yourself in any situations that feels really onerous or like you have to force yourselves to get on. So keep this time for the things you most enjoy and put everything off.

Themes for a Pisces man this June…

This is definitely an action and variety-driven month. It’s an ideal time for romance and should be activity-rich, but remember variety is the name of the game. Show authenticity, honesty, and encourage his self-expression. Engage in all the activities where you both feel able to really let go, have fun, and enjoy are things you want to be doing. Anything that feels stale or boring, well, just put it off.

Magic Motto – “When we’re together we always have confidence to seize the day.”

Magic Text – “Our love is evolving into a romantic adventure, I want it to be even more exciting, any ideas ?”


The moon waxes from the 6th to the 21st making this the best period for his new initiatives and projects. This is also the most successful time for new relationships goals, discussions and starting dating. Any major new directions or decisions should be planned for this waxing phase. The waning phase in-between is better for contemplating, fulfilling promises, reflecting on progress, adjusting to circumstances and completion.

The new moon phase favors money matters, getting loans, rearranging debt and improving his financial position. It’s favorable for all business involving audit, accounting and tax. It’s also perfect for discussions about financial planning in marriage.


New roles at work or recruitment of staff is not favored, nor is traveling to attend a course. This is not a successful time for him trying new diets, innovative health initiatives and anything strict or restrictive in terms of diet. Not a good time for him to join a gym or begin a new fitness regime. Training staff is not successful. Not a favorable time to open a business connected to animals, manufacturing or medicine.

The waxing period is not a great time for his communication projects, IT and website changes and mass media communications. Short trips for business and pleasure are more problematic as are logistical issues. This is can a more complicated time for ongoing long-distance relationships and using dating apps.

June 2024 Horoscope for a Pisces Man by Weeks…

Week 1 – Safe Sexy Place 

With Sun conjunct Venus in Gemini and Jupiter trine Pluto in Aquarius, this is an excellent time for gaining inner peace. For Pisces Man, it’s ideal if he can obtain resolution and closure, particularly on any emotional issues that have been problematic for either himself, his family, or between you guys.

So it’s very important to have discussions aimed at drawing things to a close, perhaps agreeing to disagree and move on.

This is certainly a time when he benefits from peace and tranquility in his private sphere, so it’s important not to keep any arguments or disagreements goine relationship benefits when you are the person that is a safe space for him, someone he is totally comfortable and content with. So you have to create an atmosphere where he does feel totally at ease. This is very conducive to love and romance.

Week 2 – Don’t throw fuel on the fire 

With Mars in Taurus square Pluto and also Sun in Gemini square Saturn, he can be extremely belligerent and stubborn. In fact, his argumentative side comes out, so if there’s any respect in which he has a red line, you will know about it. In fact, Pisces Man can be quite difficult right now.

He can even be more curt or critical. In some cases, he becomes extremely irrational and may kind of throw the baby out with the bathwater. This is a time when arguments can happen, but they are often driven by irrational fears and paranoia.

So it’s very important not to overreact to them. It’s almost a storm that has to be weathered, and it’s going to blow over, but don’t add fuel to the fire, is what I’m saying.

Week 3 – Celebrating your relationship 

With Mercury conjunct Venus in Cancer, this is an absolutely fantastic week for romance, and it’s also really good for relationships. So this may be a time you guys want to celebrate your relationship, spoil each other, or just have a special trip away together.

The key right now is doing the things you most enjoy as a couple and finding ways to recapture the spirit of youth. This is also a time when he likes to get away from it all, so any kind of escape, particularly on trips to the beach or a lake where it’s just you guys chilling and connecting with each other, is ideal.

Sometimes right now he is just a little bit unrealistic, so if you’ve just begun dating him, don’t take everything he says as definite because he kind of exaggerates a little bit right now and can easily get carried away. So don’t get misled by false expectations.

Week 4 – Q&A

This is another ideal week for love, however, it should be focused on working on your relationship. So, finding out what really turns each of you on, making sure things are working sexually, and being really honest with each other. Communication right now should be friendly, fun, but also constructive.

So, whatever you’re doing, enjoy yourselves but keep an eye on the purpose. Ask yourself, will this improve the relationship? Are we getting to know each other better? Do I really understand where this is going? Because as long as you can answer those questions, it’s going to be a good week and a great end to the month.


I think this is going to be a somewhat surprising month, and you will learn a lot about your Pisces man. Parts of his personality are really enhanced, and often his less known but more stubborn and assertive side comes to the fore. You definitely need to help him direct his energy in a positive way because there’s huge potential right now for greater romance, intimacy, and excitement.

However, there’s also the potential for arguments and for some quite tense moments when things feel very tricky and rocky. It’s all about encouraging him to manage his energy correctly and knowing when to not add fuel to the fire but to direct him to some constructive, creative expression of his passions.

Get Ready for 2024 With Your Pisces Man…

Ever experienced that unmistakable gut feeling? You know, that gentle nudge from your intuition, a subtle whisper of insights into your love life. It’s your inner compass trying to communicate in a language only you can comprehend.

And now, with the unveiling of Pisces Man 2024 Secrets, your intuition is about to get a megaphone.

This guide isn’t just a manual; it’s your personal translator for the cosmic messages your intuition sends your way…

Imagine having a direct conversation with the stars about your Pisces man and your love life, and receiving clear, actionable insights in return.

Curious about what makes “Pisces Man 2024 Secrets” extraordinary? Unlike traditional astrology, which dives into birth charts and generalities, this guide is your GPS for navigating specific questions:

“Is your Pisces man ready for a deeper commitment in 2024?”

“Does he have plans that align with your shared future?”

“What does the cosmic forecast hold for your relationship?”

It’s like having a hotline to the Universe for decoding the mysteries of your Pisces man’s heart, month by month.

Ready to bridge the gap between your intuition and the cosmic roadmap for your love life?

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Don’t wait for the Universe to drop hints.

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Wishing you cosmic love and radiant connections with your Pisces Man,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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