Pisces Man Horoscope for September 2024

by Anna Kovach Astrologer, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how September is going to treat your Pisces man? Check out the monthly horoscope predictions for a Pisces man...

Well Sweethearts, the month of September is upon us, and it’s all systems go in the Northern Hemisphere. Schools are basically back in session right now, and the mentality is somewhat more focused, a little bit more organized, and perhaps the memories of summer are beginning to fade. However, it’s a brand new season and a chance to do a little bit of a relationship reboot. In terms of those in the Southern Hemisphere, you’ve finished a long winter, you’re aching for spring to begin, and so you guys are also feeling in the mood for some inspiration. So I want to inspire you this month about your relationship with Pisces Man because there’s so much to be gained. There’s a lot of exciting activity which leads to some romance, a more productive frame of mind, with an important acknowledgement of a need for flexibility and compassion. We have lots of planetary changes this month, and in general, I’m feeling a very different energy. We’ve got Mercury now direct, we’ve got Mars changing signs early in the month, so there certainly is a different flavor to September. There’s something subtle, sweet, and delicate about it, and we need to get going and analyze the potentials.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Pisces man this September…


New Moon in Virgo – 2nd of September

The New Moon in Virgo is very important for Pisces Man because Virgo represents his seventh solar house, which is connected to marriage and long-term relationships. So, the New Moon reignites passion and emotional awareness, and it should be a time when you are hypervigilant in relationships. This is not a time when you can let the relationship drift or take each other for granted; it’s a time to make a brand-new start in terms of renewed communication, working better on issues, and exploring more to improve understanding. It’s also a good time in relationships to have a fresh perspective, so don’t allow yourselves to slip into stale routines or ruts, or to start guessing what the other one thinks. Find out what each of you needs and wants from the other, and therefore, you save energy and can refocus on the core potentials of the relationship, making sure that it’s something that works for both of you.


Mars enters Cancer – 5th of September

Now, this is a really fun placement when it comes to Pisces Man, and it means that your relationship can become more passionate. There can be more intimacy and enjoyable shared experiences. This is awesome for dating, so those of you in new relationships should really be getting to know each other well, but you should focus on not only enjoying yourselves together but also on creating good memories, becoming more familiar, and getting really comfortable with each other. It’s also important for you to show that you are a supportive and encouraging force. What he loves right now is someone with enthusiasm and a high energy for life because that’s a big turn-on. This is also a time, along with the New Moon in September, that is great for date nights, reawakening that passion, and also having an opportunity to do things that you maybe haven’t had time for recently. So, make time for romance; make time for the relationship.


Mercury enters Virgo – 10th of September

This is a positive placement for relationships for a Pisces Man. Mercury is very at home in the sign of Virgo, and this also represents an important aspect of his chart, but it’s not just about communication; it’s also about meeting each other halfway and compromising. So, there need to be discussions, information gathering, and sharing each other’s feelings or concerns. It’s also a time when you should put your egos on the shelf. Good communication is about being rational and sticking to the topic. This is not a time when either of you should be obfuscating or skirting around the issues. Sure, there does need to be some flexibility, and I’m not saying Rome was built in a day, but there needs to be a good focus on clear, vibrant communication. This is great in existing relationships, or even if you are just trying to get on the same page in a new relationship.


Sun enters Libra – 23rd of September

Now, for Pisces Man, this is also an interesting placement that can increase the temperature in the relationship. This is very much an exciting phase for relationships, one that can really make a difference for the rest of the year and help cement the relationship going forward, but what you need to focus on right now is trust, loyalty, and the essential building blocks of the relationship. During this phase, he can be a little bit more needy, and he needs your attention. So, make sure you have time to be alone together, time to cultivate both romance and passion, and time to show you truly care in meaningful ways that can enhance his life. He should also show you a lot of appreciation. This is also a good time to show a bit of courage in dealing with any of the more thorny issues in the relationship and trying to straighten these things out. It’s totally possible if you put your mind to it.


Venus enters Scorpio – 24th of September

This is a highly imaginative time for Pisces Man, and what you should never forget is that at heart, he is a romantic. He enjoys being stimulated through fantasies, through exploring new places, and through being able to experience exotic things. So, remember, the success of relationships with Pisces Man is the extent to which you add spice. It’s very important to be creative in the relationship; don’t stick to the same old routines. Make sure that you create date nights that you’re both going to not only enjoy but learn from and gain experience from. Date nights don’t just have to be frivolous enjoyment; they can be going to a book club together, attending a talk on philosophy, or going to see a really arty film that’s challenging to watch. So, date nights don’t have to be boring; in fact, the more challenging they are, the more intrigued he’ll be by you and the relationship.


Mercury enters Libra – 27th of September

This is a great time for money discussions, for ironing things out, and for problem-solving. It’s also a good time for you guys to talk about ways to improve your sex life. In fact, he rather enjoys conversations that are slightly challenging and a little bit unorthodox. So maybe if you guys take a slightly new approach to an old problem, that could be rather exciting—maybe having sex in a different place, or, if you’re having financial difficulties, exploring some totally new options. The message here is: be a little bit experimental and open-minded. Sometimes, even if you don’t take the path less followed, just contemplating it as an option can be a way to get you out of a rut. What you don’t want to do right now is get caught in modes of thinking that are really prisons.



September is an excellent month for relationship developments. The key thing here is exploring together better communication, understanding what you both want and need, and, if you’re in a new relationship, getting to know each other better. There are awesome hidden treasures right now, and the key is being open-minded and flexible. It’s also important that you both throw out the normal expectations and challenge each other with interesting conversations, new places, and new things. Challenge is essential to a good relationship right now and to bonding and keeping a Pisces man engaged.


Magic Motto – “Rooted in understanding, our love weathers every storm, resilient in the face of challenges, and blossoms with the strength of shared understanding.”

Magic Text – “I look into your eyes and I know we have something worth fighting for.”



The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this fortnight is ideal for initiating projects, beginning brand new activities, being proactive and more risqué or audacious. After the 17th is the time for more caution, reflection and to take a slightly more measured approach.

An important activity, if you are in a relationship with Pisces Man, is outdoor activities and fresh air. The best way to help you both to cope is to get into nature, away from the technology, the devices and where you get your blood pumping through your veins. Nothing helps depleted energy or pessimism more than vigorous exercise or at least some movement and sunshine.



This is not the best month for totally new activities especially ones that need a lot of confidence and physical energy. Brand new activities and risky ventures aren’t successful. It’s not a good waxing period for extreme sports or very physically demanding work. Performance and musical pursuits aren’t successful.


Week 1

Rose and Thorns

Mercury in Leo square Uranus in Taurus can mean this is a hectic week. You may be commuting together or travelling to see family. He has a lot more obligations with work or work travel, and it can be trying for the relationship. Mars in Gemini is square Neptune in Pisces, representing a really busy period and possibly more time spent socially and with friends. Now, friends and colleagues can sometimes be a thorn in the side, particularly in new relationships, so you have to be aware of the influence or any advice or feedback they may be giving him. When it comes to ongoing relationships, support him in his career but leave him to it – try not to become overly involved because you don’t want the stress or any potential fallout to come your way.


Week 2

Fun Factor

Now, the Sun in Virgo is triggering Saturn in his first house and also Jupiter, which is in Gemini, and that means this can be a good time for working on goals to do with your home—perhaps hosting an event or party and having family over. It’s also a great time to think about the future of your relationship and do a little bit of forward planning. However, this can also be a tricky time because your Pisces Man feels quite stressed. He is less easily satisfied, and that’s why I keep saying it’s so important that you are exploring novel and exotic options because right now, he has a rather large appetite for life, and he can easily feel stifled, inhibited, or even boxed in by routines. So, it’s important that everything in your life is kind of constructive, but it’s also enjoyable. So, build in the fun factor and always keep your minds open about options that you haven’t explored before.


Week 3

Hang Ten

Now, this week it’s ideal for you to be attending events, going to the theater, or perhaps attending a music event. It’s very important that you both get away from it all right now. Things can feel overwhelming—work is continuing to be stressful, and certain people in his life are really testing him—so it’s very important that with you, he feels relaxed, it’s all cool, and you can hang out and have a good time. You don’t want to be someone who’s acting parental or needy right now; you just want to be his best friend whom he chills with and can open up to. So, bear in mind there’s a lot of tension and strain in his life right now, and you can help the relationship by being the one who helps him get away from it all.


Week 4


He is at his most unpredictable right now. It can be hard to get a straight answer out of him, and the key is maintaining your sense of humor and being flexible as a companion. Venus in Scorpio is square Pluto, and this can mean that the goalposts keep moving. He is in one of those moods where, one moment, he feels quite satisfied and relaxed, and the next moment, you don’t know where you are with him. So, it’s kind of important for you both not to live in each other’s pockets. Have your own space; make sure the relationship is a time when you come together for fun, but when it becomes something that itself is causing stress, it’s time to give each other a little bit of space. So, space and pauses are key right now.



There is a lot of potential in relationships with Pisces Man this month. There’s certainly scope for better and more meaningful communication and also for opening your lives up by doing brand new things. However, there are a couple of mistakes you don’t want to make: you don’t want to box him in, you don’t want to seem controlling or authoritarian, and you don’t want to be too rigid. Often, he’s a bit of an enigma, and he can be moody. It’s always important to use your intuition and know when to step back and give him a little bit of space, because space makes the relationship stronger.


If this hasn’t quenched your thirst, you know where to find me, same place, as always.

Wishing you love and luck with your Pisces Man,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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