Pisces Man Horoscope for October 2024

by Anna Kovach Astrologer, relationship astrologer
Are you wondering how October is going to treat your Pisces man? Check out the October horoscope predictions for a Pisces man...

Hello my dear, and welcome to the horoscope reading for your Pisces man for October. The year is racing to a climax, and you’ll be pleased to know that the transits for this particular week offer the scope for some intensity, passion, emotional connectivity, and there’s also a bit of good luck and spontaneity.

In fact, it is a rather stimulating month on a number of levels, and that’s always good for relationships because it means there’s a variety of energies that you can tap into in order to remold the relationship. 

What’s important as well, is understanding the power basis of the relationship, tapping into the subtext, the context, the hidden motives and agendas that you and your partner have, and working with those in order to get a better result.

So often, I feel people fail in relationships because they keep on a surface, verbal level without understanding what’s really behind the facade, what’s behind the words, and what lies beneath. I feel this is a great time to uncover what lies beneath and then shift your overall perspective of the relationship to achieve relationship goals.

Here’s what the stars have in store for a Pisces Man this October…

New Moon – 2nd of October in Libra

The New Moon in Libra is significant because it’s conjunct Mercury, the ruler of his solar seventh house, which is connected to long-term partnerships. Libra is the house associated with sex, intimacy, and sharing. The essence of this New Moon is that the relationship should become deeper, more passionate, and more intense.

It’s crucial to have conversations about your sex life, which can include foreplay, making time for intimacy, or addressing issues that are preventing a more fulfilling sex life. It’s not just about sex as an act; it’s about the feeling of escapism and togetherness that sex can bring.

For example, the Pisces man loves sex because it helps him embrace another realm. For him, sex should be somewhat “out of this world.” While this may seem like a tall order for many reasons, creating the right environment, allowing for enough foreplay, and making your sex life something that helps you both escape from life’s stresses can bring you closer together. 

Jupiter Retrograde in Gemini – 9th of October

This time is great for family affairs, hosting events at home, and entertaining. It’s also a good time to deal with issues around the house, whether it’s renovations, repairs, or just making improvements.

Whether you’re doing a grand clear-out, buying new furniture, or fixing up the garden, try to do something that makes home life more satisfying for everyone. 

Additionally, this is a key time for closure. If you’ve been dating but still have contact with exes, it might be time to put up boundaries or cut off those connections completely. You may need to block them or establish limits to ensure closure.

This is also a time for personal downtime. Be mindful of when your social life starts to feel overwhelming, and take some quiet hours at home to recenter and gain perspective.

Mercury Enters Scorpio – 14th of October

As Mercury enters Scorpio, it squares Pluto, which is still at the tail end of Capricorn. What does this mean for your Pisces Man? It’s a time to start piecing things together. You need to draw the various aspects of your life into focus and understand how they either complement or clash with each other.

This can sometimes feel overwhelming, like there are “too many cooks spoiling the broth.” Perhaps you have too many people giving you advice or are trying to follow too many paths at once.

Right now, it’s more important to focus on what enhances your life and relationship, and what doesn’t deliver, so you can let go of it. This is a consolidation phase, followed by a refocus of your mental and physical energy on what truly works for you as a couple and brings you closer together.

Venus Enters Sagittarius – 18th of October

Now, this is a time when it’s easy to feel jealous of your Pisces Man. Sometimes, he can be a bit of a show-off, especially in public, which might test your trust. He may also exhibit his “ladies’ man” side, seeking attention.

What you need to do now is show him you’re his friend, support him, take an interest in what he’s doing, but also let him know when “enough is enough.” Boundaries need to be set with a Pisces man.

On the other hand, don’t crowd him. If he wants to go out and enjoy work socials, try not to stand in the way, because this is an important time for PR and networking. It’s all about balancing your jealousy, supporting him, and setting limits when his behavior crosses a line.

Sun enters Scorpio – 23rd of October

This placement reinforces the themes mentioned in the last section: closure, forgiveness, and consolidation before relaunching into new activities. This should be a period of slight pause, allowing you to gather energy before diving into fresh experiences.

It’s also a great time of year for physical activity, being outdoors, and embracing adventure. Pisces men have an adventurous side, and sometimes relationships falter when they become too passive, or when their partners don’t encourage this part of them. This is a key time to be a little outrageous and adventurous as a couple, always pushing boundaries and making sure you don’t settle into passivity.

Themes for a Pisces Man this October 2024…

This month brings new opportunities for exciting activities, experimentation, and adventure. It’s also a time to renew your focus as a couple, understand what you both truly want from your relationship, and make time to experience pleasure and escapism together in an intimate way. Reboot your sex life, uncover new ways to thrive together, and move beyond simply surviving.

Magic Motto: “Adventure, passion, and connection: together we thrive.”

Magic Text: “Hey love, let’s make this month about deep connection and wild adventures—whether we’re creating new memories or escaping into our own world, I’m excited for all the magic we’ll share.”


The moon waxes from the 2nd to the 17th of the month and this two-week period is perfect for new activities, dating, relationship goals and starting any new projects. After the 17th, you have to capitalize on what you have now achieved, reflect and take a grounded, more than a dynamic response.

Short-distance travel for romance, business and pleasure is successful. This waxing period is also ideal for new internet dating and long-distance relationships.

A good time for home improvements, purchasing furniture or DIY. Excellent for establishing a home office or new business from home.

During the waxing phase financial matters, negotiations, investment opportunities get the green light. It’s an excellent time for arranging money matters and financial analysis. Good for understanding his cash flow better and cutting expenses. A great time for large purchases.

A good period for personal goals, recuperating and improving health through physical activity or therapy. This favors doing physical work or exercise. An excellent time to express himself with clarity and honesty and communicate in a positive way with people, including in relationships. Careers in modeling and acting are successful.


New roles at work or recruitment of staff is not favored, nor is traveling to attend a course. This is not a successful time for him trying new diets, innovative health initiatives and anything strict or restrictive in terms of diet.

Not a good time for him to join a gym or begin a new fitness regime. Training staff is not successful. Not a favorable time to open a business connected to animals, manufacturing or medicine.

Not a good waxing period to get married or engaged. Also a less favorable time for new business partnerships. This is a tricky time for negotiation and trying to reach decisions and compromise in marriage.

October 2024 Horoscope for a Pisces Man (week by week)

Week 1: Tender is the night

This week is a lucky one, particularly for a Pisces man, as there’s a grand water trine between Saturn in Pisces, Mars in Cancer, and Venus in Scorpio. This is ideal for your fantasy life, intimacy, affection, and romance.

It’s a great time to initiate, so make sure your calendar is fairly free, so you’re not bogged down or overtired. It’s an excellent opportunity to create a special space for romantic escapism and rekindle the magic in your relationship. This isn’t just about romance, but also about showing tenderness, care, being good listeners, and being affectionate in a creative way.

Week 2: Intimate love language 

Mars in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus makes this an awesome time for those in long-distance relationships or dating online. However, you need to keep the romance alive. This can be challenging because, even if you’re not physically together, you still need to create some intimate titillation.

Therefore, it’s essential to use your imagination to stimulate each other. People often think of intimacy in terms of physical presence, but sometimes intimacy is even stronger when we use our imagination and communicate sensually.

Now is the time to figure out what turns him on in terms of electronic communication. Even if you’re married or living together, you can use communication during the day to set the tone for the evening.

Week 3: Have faith in your unique journey 

Venus in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus, and the Sun entering Scorpio squares Pluto in Capricorn. This is another excellent time for long-distance relationships. If you and your Pisces man have been chatting but live in different places or have significant cultural differences, don’t let that deter you.

These differences can add depth to the relationship. If there are issues, problems, or distance separating you, or if there are seemingly insurmountable obstacles, keep going. Stay determined, keep the faith, and see things through. Sometimes, your love story is simply evolving in a unique and unusual way.

Even if you are married or already in a relationship, remember that not everything is as it seems. What’s up can be down, and what’s down can be up. Don’t judge too quickly—stay true to the relationship and keep working at it. Anything can be turned around.

Week 4: Morale 

This week, Venus in Sagittarius squares Saturn. This is still an important time for love and romance. However, during this particular week, romance is about showing support. What’s vital in the relationship right now is moral support. Be in his corner, keep faith in his ideas, avoid criticism, and be the partner who brings perspective and calm. The more you can keep your head, the better.


This is a great month for romance in existing relationships. It’s excellent for your sex life and also for sexual stimulation that happens online, making it ideal for those in long-distance relationships or temporarily separated by time and space.

If you want to get to know your Pisces man better, remember to stimulate his imagination and understand his need for fantasy and escapism. This will allow you to wow him, impress him, and seduce him. Be alert to his sexual love language, be supportive, and you can take your relationship to a whole new level this month.

Make your Pisces man OBSESSED…

Have you ever fantasized about being that irresistible woman in Netflix shows…

The one the leading man just CAN’T stop thinking about?

The sexy, affectionate protagonist would do anything for this woman…

He will go to extremes to get her attention and make her happy.

Now, let’s say the star of this show is your Pisces man…

And you are the filler character who is secretly in love with this gorgeous man…

But is unable to get his attention.

Why is that?

Because you don’t have that “wow factor” that the irresistible girl he’s in love with has.

Well, it’s time to change the narrative.

Imagine holding the secret to making your Pisces man utterly OBSESSED with you.

I’m talking head over heels, here.

The best part?

You don’t have to change who you are.

You just need to uncover the deeply guarded desiresneeds and fantasies

That simmer within your Pisces man.

I’ve created a list of actions, or as I prefer to call them…


This will instantly make him chase youlove you, and OBSESS over you.

He will experience intense feelings he has never felt for anyone else.

Feelings he can’t ignore or suppress because you will connect to his heart in ways he instinctively responds to…

Precisely how you’ve always hoped he would.

You’ll learn how to become the woman he finds UNFORGETTABLE.

The one who “got away”…

You’ll reignite his passion and capture his heart in ways he never imagined possible.

So much so that within just 30 days, you may completely transform your relationship…

Emotionallyphysically, and spiritually!

Click here to learn more about The 30-Day Love Challenge with your Pisces man.

I promise you’ll love it.

Sending you much love,

Your sister and relationship astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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