How To Attract A Pisces Man In August 2021

by Anna Kovach Astrologer, relationship astrologer
How to attract a Pisces man in August 2021? The planets change every month, and events in August might be significantly different than what you're expecting.

August is Leo season, a fiery month filled with creative life force energy. Artistic and imaginative passions are favored this month, and the Pisces man’s powerful spirit is even more creatively charged. Pisces is one of the most gifted signs regardless of the season, so a Leo Sun cycle amplifies his need for co-creation – shared activities that bind you together through the unity of creation.

How To Attract A Pisces Man In August 2021

1. Don’t Hold Back

Make sure you express yourself this month. The Pisces man wants to see you open up and be authentic about your feelings, views, beliefs, emotions, and anything else that wants to come to light. 

Pisces is a mystical and understanding guy… he is deeply accepting and loves unconditionally, even if he puts on a masculine macho exterior or is very assertive himself. He will always have a sweet, nurturing, and compassionate side. It’s more evolved than any other man!

Be fearless and bold in your capacity for self-expression. Passion is a keyword and quality associated with Leo. You will soon realize that anything short of liberated, unfiltered, and unapologetic passion is just a suppression and dis-service to yourself. 

Yes, you can be quite reserved, introverted and shy with Pisces – he totally gets it because he can be this way himself. But, there’s a big difference between modesty and subtlety and a lack of passion. 

Seek to embody the fiery spirit of Leo, the majestic and courageous lion. If you need some inspiration watch videos of lions in their natural habitat to see their regal and proud nature. Lions are kings and queens of the jungle, they embody a unique beauty, sensuality, and bravery all in one…

2. Tell Stories

Attracting A Pisces Man In August 2021

He is incredibly receptive to listening to your fascinating and exciting stories! Storytelling is a skill and an art, so let’s master it. Share stories infused with wise insights, psychic sensitivities, exciting adventures, and moments of spontaneity that led to mind-blowing synchronicity or connection. Pisces craves connection this month and activating his imagination is a sure way to spark it. 

This is a very romantic time of the year, and the Pisces man equates storytelling – captivating his mind and senses with powerful imagery – with romance. It is almost poetic. If you’re fortunate enough to be in a hot climate or a community-style space, such as on an organic farm, eco or conscious community, or on some magical piece of land, make sure you make the most of this universal blessing. 

Take your storytelling gifts into the mystery of the night… stargaze together, get a blanket or even tent and sit out in the great outdoors. Pisces is extremely intuitive and instinctive; both of these qualities are heightened at night. 

3. Do Something Creative Together

If you really want to turn his inner light on, do something artistic, musical, or creative together. Jam, dance, sing, or make art. Converse about personal projects going on in your life and then joining forces together. 

Creativity is a primordial and catalytic force; you never know what can arise from a simple act of co-creation (co-creativity). When you show a Pisces man that you’re imaginative and artistic, or musical and inspired, cords of connections switch on inside. He instantly feels comfortable to be himself and open up around you, and it also boosts your attraction points! Pisces is multi-talented.

Creativity sparks the soul, activates the higher self and mind, and energizes a range of emotions… It opens portals to higher consciousness and inspiration, and releases past wounds, traumas and fears or stresses. Shared creative activities with a Pisces man can be wonderfully healing and therapeutic. 

Are you a poet, painter, jazz singer, or musician? Perhaps you’re a spoken word artist, entertainer, poi spinner, or performer? Leo season brings out our need to shine and stand in the limelight. 

There is more leeway until the 22nd to be glamorous and spotlight-seeking – Pisces won’t see it as attention seeking or egotistical like he does in other months. Leo is ruled by the Sun… and the Sun makes us all shine! 

4. Balance Beauty With Modesty

Tips To Attract A Pisces Man In August

If you want to roar majestically like a lion gaining respect and attention, or show your multicolored wings like a peacock, now is the time to show him what he’s missing! The Pisces man is open to magic and sensuality, subtle vibrations and etheric energy too. 

Any resemblance of embodying or portraying an animal from the mighty animal queen and kingdoms makes him high. It connects him with spirit, his inner spirit, and the Great Spirit all around. Esotericism, metaphysics, and mysticism are some of his favorite topics of conversation and exploration.

So, get in tune with the ethereal qualities of the animal world, and of the spiritual planes where many archetypes and subconscious energies exist. Don’t go completely primal and wild like a tiger, retain some modesty and receptivity. 

Now is the time for balancing self-assertion, wild primal passions, and more dominant and masculine forces with feminine qualities. Like magnetism, subtlety, receptivity, and sensual beauty. 

Essentially, remind yourself of yin and yang theory and the opposing yet complementary energies of the Universe. In a fiery yang month, Pisces is looking for someone who has a wild and assertive, and a soft and graceful, side to them. 

5. Community And Altruism

Leo is a sign of brotherhood, sisterhood, and community. The need for kindred spirits and soulmates is amplified, and this is further enhanced by a Full Moon in Aquarius on the 22nd. 

Talk about your beliefs on humanitarianism, world affairs, and eco and environmental topics, as Pisces wants to hear your perspectives! 

Our altruistic and compassionate senses are amped up, but not in the dreamy and overly-emotional way the Pisces man is used to. There is a lightness to the month which allows for excitement and energy around such topics – remember ‘passion’ as your magic word to automatic sparks of attraction. Spirits are high, he desires a “buzz” and lots of zest and life force. 

If you’re going to play the ‘deep and intellectual, interesting and humanitarian connection conversation’ card, make sure you do it with a proactive and optimistic, future-forward, mindset. Consider how you can co-create your future together!

Speaking of the future, Leo’s influence brings up our loyal and faithful natures. You may see the usually independent and lone wolf Pisces be more needy or clingy than usual, specifically once you’ve got him on your radar and there’s a bond. 

This is one of the least jealous and possessive men of the Zodiac, however the current themes are making him touchier when it comes to love. It’s the drama of Leo season

Transform this influence into a positive by being empathic and accepting of his strong desires. Transmuting clinginess or the like into loyalty and passion is a beautiful way to show your strength. 

Read next: 7 Reasons Why The Pisces Man Is So Hard To Love

Final Thoughts & Key Astrological Transits

August is a bright month filled to the brim with color, music, creativity, joy, and healing vibes. You may find yourself participating in yoga or drumming together, or attending an Aikido or QiGong class. 

Any shared activity whether it be movement based or healing, spiritual or creative can bind you in unique ways. Be open-minded, non-judgmental, and self-expressive whilst being mindful of how the Pisces will be feeling this month.

If you’re looking for ways to grow your love with Pisces guy to greater heights, then check out my guide Forever Love With A Pisces Man to find out how to sustain your love with him for all time!

Wishing you light, love, and all the luck in the Universe on your journey!

Your friend and Relationship Astrologer,

Anna Kovach

About Author

Hi, this is Anna Kovach. I am a professional Relationship Astrologer and author of dozens of bestselling books and programs. For over a decade I’ve been advising commitment-seeking women like you and helping them understand, attract and keep the man of their dreams using the astonishing power of astrology. Join over 250K subscribers on my newsletter or follow me on social media! Learn more about me and how I can help you here.

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